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HomeARTICLESU.S. President Donald Trump: I stand alongside Iran’s people

U.S. President Donald Trump: I stand alongside Iran’s people

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


New York, Sept. 27, 2018 – U.S. President Donald Trump held a press conference on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York responding to questions raised by a variety of reporters.

Repeating his position about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is a disastrous agreement, Trump again reiterated how he exited the highly controversial agreement with the Iranian regime that was nothing but a huge mistake. Why doesn’t this deal discuss Yemen or Syria, he asked. The United States provided $150 billion to this regime, including $1.8 billion in cash, he added, and all the while Yemen and Syria are now a disaster.

Protesting poor living conditions, the Iranian people taking to the streets in an unprecedented scale in the past 10 months is yet another sign that the Iran nuclear deal was nothing but a disaster.

“They’re suffering greatly. They’re having riots in every city,” he said referring to the Iranian regime’s ongoing domestic crises.

“When President Obama stuck up for the government, not the people, he probably would have had a much different Iran had he not done that. But I’m sticking up for the people. I am with the people of Iran… They have rampant inflation. Their money is worthless. Everything is going wrong. They have riots in the streets. You can’t buy bread; you can’t do anything. It’s a disaster,” he added.

Dozens of international companies, to say the least, are ending their business deals with Iran’s regime.

“If you look at what’s going on, companies are leaving left and right. Mercedez-Benz just left. They’re all leaving. They don’t want to be in Iran, because they have a choice: Do they want to be with Iran or do they want to be with us?” he added.

In another segment of his press conference, Trump emphasized how former U.S. President Barack Obama had to pay $1.8 billion cash to get hostages returned from Iran, while he was able to return American hostages from North Korea without paying any money.

These remarks come after other senior U.S. administration members also expressed heavy criticism against the Iranian regime.


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The Iranian regime finds itself the target of stern and unprecedented warnings issued by senior U.S. administration officials on Tuesday at a session held on the sidelines of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly.

Supporters of the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were holding a rally outside the UN building protesting the presence of Iranian regime president Hassan Rouhani at the event.

Hours after U.S. President Donald Trump’s GA speech focused on the Iranian people’s outrage of the mullahs’ regime plundering their resources for their own benefit and spreading mayhem across the region and beyond, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton emphasized “we are watching, and we will come after you” if the mullahs’ regime continues its dangerous course.

Tensions are on the rise between the U.S. and its regional allies against the Iranian regime. This comes especially after the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei accused Gulf states of organizing a recent attack in Ahvaz, southwest Iran, and receiving support from Washington. An allegation flatly denied by the mentioned parties.

Ambassador Bolton made it clear that the Iranian regime’s ruling mullahs “have a choice to make. We have laid out a path toward a bright and prosperous future for all of Iran, one that is worthy of the Iranian people, who have long suffered under the regime’s tyrannical rule."

The Iranian regime, he added, "brazenly supports the criminal Assad regime in Syria" and was "complicit in Assad's chemical weapons attacks on his own people."

“The days of impunity for Tehran and its enablers are over. The murderous regime and its supporters will face significant consequences if they do not change their behavior. Let my message today be clear: We are watching, and we will come after you,” Ambassador Bolton added, signaling Washington’s seriousness in confronting Tehran’s ongoing bellicosity.


US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo speaks during UANI summit

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo speaks during UANI summit


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was another speaker at the UANI summit, criticizing other countries for "enabling" Iranian-sponsored terrorism through their cooperation with Tehran to bypass U.S. sanctions.

"Just a few months ago, authorities across Europe arrested several Iranian operatives … as part of a plot to plant a bomb at a political rally in France," Pompeo said, adding that France is also implementing other measures against Tehran.

“The United States will continue to coalesce international efforts to change Iranian behavior through pressure, deterrence, and support for the people of Iran,” he said, while adding the following remarks directly to the Iranian people: “The United States hears you; the United States supports you; the United States is with you.”







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