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HomeNEWSRESISTANCEIran’s security forces arrest youth as regime’s fear of MEK grows

Iran’s security forces arrest youth as regime’s fear of MEK grows

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, June 13, 2020—Earlier this week, the Iranian security forces arrested a group of youth who had allegedly set fire to the office and estate of Moussa Salemi, the representative of regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei in Shahriar.

During the November 2019 nationwide uprising, Shahriar a deprived county on the outskirts of Tehran, was one of the hotbeds of the nationwide protests with more than 170 martyrs brutally killed by security forces. The destruction of Salemi’s property is the manifestation of a deep feeling of resent toward the regime that continues to bubble in different parts of the country.

As the fear of the population toward the regime’s brutal suppression apparatus subsides, the regime’s fear of the the re-emergence of nationwide uprisings mount.

Of growing concern to the regime are the activities of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), since the Iranian Resistance Units, MEK’s internal network, has played a significant role in the last two years in organizing nationwide uprising, challenging the regime’s repressive forces, and revealing the regime’s criminal secrecy about the coronavirus statistics and the numbers of victims killed during the protests.

Iranian Resistance Units were the source of momentum of the last two years events in Iran and had a major impact on revealing the regime’s criminal policy by collecting information and sending daily images, videos, and news about incidents inside Iran. The continued activities has given heart to many Iranians, who no longer fear raising their voice in protest to the regime.

With the objective of establishing units inside the society and forming a bond between the files of the Iranian movement for freedom the MEK has based its strategy on “resistance units” inside Iran and they are realizing the overthrow of this regime.

Recent Activities of the Resistance Units

Recent activities of the Iranian Resistance Units in Isfahan – June 12, 2020

Recent activities of the Iranian Resistance Units in Isfahan – June 12, 2020

In recent days, the activities of the Iranian Resistance Units continued across Iran in cities such as Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, Ahwaz, Yazd, Saveh, Jahrom, Rudsar, Qom, Qarchak, and Qazvin.

From Wednesday to Friday, June 10-12, in Tehran, Isfahan, Yazd, Jahrom, Rudsar, Qom, Qarchak, and Qazvin, the members of the Iranian Resistance Units organized various activities echoing the desire of the Iranian people for regime change and freedom and democracy. They bravely took to graffiti in public places with the slogan “Those who resist will bring victory,” “Down with the principle of the Supreme Leader’s rule,” “Down with Khamenei,” “Khamenei’s rule will be overthrown,” “Khamenei and Rouhani must face justice for crimes against humanity,” “We will take back Iran,” “Viva Rajavi,” and “Democracy, freedom with Maryam Rajavi.”


At the same time,  the brave young generation torched an IRGC Basij base in Ahwaz, Banners of Khamenei, and regime’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini and the IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani in Mashhad and various regime propaganda billboards in Saveh.


June 11, 2020 – Rebellious Youth torch regime's icons

June 12, 2020 – Rebellious Youth torchc a basij entrance in Ahvaz

The Resistance Units play a very important role today in breaking the heavy atmosphere of crackdown and suppression. This is realized through directing and organizing the revolution at critical junctures. Considering the powder-keg circumstances of Iran’s society, the MEK, having an organized structure, has been able to impact the on-the-ground events. In the past few years, Resistance Units have become on of the most important forces of the Iranian people’s revolution, and they are playing their historical role in various methods.

The growing influence of Resistance Units has caused concern among the highest Iranian officials. In May, Khamenei expressed concern about the growing influence of the MEK among Iran’s youth. the Iranian opposition gaining influence and support among Iran’s younger generation.

While he highlighted his concerns over the powder-keg status of the Iranian society and the MEK reporting such developments as a sign of growing dissent among the general public Khamenei said: “Everyone should be careful about the enemy recruiting members of our young society…You should not allow the enemy to take advantage of your protests. They are waiting to use any such opportunity… The enemy will portray your protests over whatever subject as dissent against the state, and provide such an image to their viewers… Be careful of those who take advantage of these protests to pursue their objectives against the state… Expand your ranks through new recruits. Don’t quickly push people off due to various disagreements… of course I don’t mean the [MEK].”

The remarks by the regime’s Supreme Leader indicated the regime’s utter concern of losing the youth in their social base and the MEK gaining influence among Iran’s younger generation. This is an issue that the mullahs face every day.




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