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PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan reiterate calls for freedom and democracy

People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) Resistance Units in Zahedan have once again voiced their unyielding commitment to the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, aiming to pave the way for the establishment of freedom and democracy in Iran. This stance was prominently displayed through a series of placards held following the Friday prayers on March 29, sending a strong message not only to the authorities in Iran but also to the international community observing the unfolding events.

The placards, emblematic of the protestors’ demands and aspirations, bore messages of defiance and hope. One such message read, “We are in war with the shah and mullahs,” symbolizing a historical continuity of resistance against authoritarian rule in Iran, from the Shah’s era to the current rule of the mullahs. Another placard declared, “The spring of freedom with the liberation army,” celebrating Nowruz with a commitment to bringing freedom to Iran through nationwide uprisings and organized resistance.

Amidst the socio-political turmoil, the demonstrators did not shy away from critiquing the current state of Iran’s economy, which starkly contrasts with the claims made by President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration. The protestors highlighted the discrepancies between the government’s narrative and the reality faced by the Iranian populace, indicating a growing discontent among various sectors of society.

The PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan articulated their perspective on the regime’s future, stating, “The mullahs’ regime is moving towards collapse and overthrow.” This sentiment is reflective of a broader sentiment within the resistance movements across Iran, suggesting an imminent change driven by widespread dissatisfaction and a yearning for democratic governance.

Furthermore, the resistance units underscored the importance of the current year as a pivotal moment in their struggle, proclaiming, “This year is the year of resistance and nationwide uprising against the mullahs’ dictatorship.” This proclamation underscores the determination and preparedness of the PMOI and its supporters to intensify their efforts against the regime’s authoritarian practices.

The PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan also commemorated the victims of the Zahedan’s Bloody Friday with placards that read “In memory of the martyrs of [Zahedan’s] Bloody Friday, we will achieve victory in 1403.” On Friday, September 30, 2022, the regime’s security forces opened fire on peaceful protesters in Zahedan, killing more than a hundred people and injuring hundreds. This brutal crackdown, known as the Zahedan Massacre, was a stark reminder of the regime’s willingness to use lethal force against its own citizens.

The activities and declarations of the PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan are part of a larger tapestry of opposition movements within Iran, striving for systemic change. Their actions, symbolic and direct, represent a significant challenge to the regime’s attempts to maintain its hold on power through repression and violence.

The implications of such movements are profound, both domestically and internationally. Domestically, they signal a growing unrest and a collective desire among various factions of society for an end to repression and the establishment of a democratic republic. Internationally, they draw attention to the human rights issues in Iran, calling for global solidarity and support for the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and dignity.

The regime has been ratcheting up its crackdown on the Resistance Units in recent months. The authorities have arrested hundreds of Resistance Unit members and supporters, subjecting them to imprisonment, torture, and even execution.

The regime has specifically targeted the PMOI, which it views as its main opposition. Despite this intense repression, the Resistance Units have continued their activities, undeterred by the risks to their lives and safety. They have carried out various acts of defiance, such as writing graffiti, putting up posters, and broadcasting slogans in public spaces, all in an effort to challenge the regime’s authority and inspire the broader resistance movement.




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