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HomeARTICLESIran’s revolution is not dead, but the rule of mullahs is

Iran’s revolution is not dead, but the rule of mullahs is

Forty-five years after the anti-monarchy revolution in Iran, a regime insider named Mohammad Taqi Akbarnejad has made comments on “The Silent Death of a Revolution,” which were reported by the regime’s media.

Akbarnejad said, “What we are facing now is neither the Islamic Revolution nor the Islamic Republic. Both are dead, and it has been a long time since they died. What we are facing is deception.”

If the mentioned cleric only limited himself to expressing the death of the ruling system, there would be no issue, as even the authorities themselves acknowledge it. However, his statements, titled “The Silent Death of a Revolution,” have been published on regime-affiliated websites. Since he speaks of the death of the 1979 Revolution, it is necessary to pause and reflect on it for a moment.

No revolution in history loses its place, no matter how much it is distorted.

The reality is that the people of Iran overthrew the dictatorial monarchy in 1979 and are now resolved to make another revolution and throw the religious dictatorship in the dustbin of history.

It is not the revolution but the mullahs’ regime that is historically and ideologically dead. As stated by the same government cleric, only the funeral procession remains.

Khomeini had warned his associates, “Beware of the day when people understand what lies in you and an explosion occurs. Fear the day when you may be held accountable. Know that there will be no return to the day of February 11, 1979, the emergence of revolution. The fact is that they will punish us all.”

What Khomeini feared the most indeed came to pass. The people repeatedly took to the streets, braving bullets, and spelled the historical demise for his regime.

The people of Iran gave their final verdict on this regime on June 20, 1981, when more than 500,000 people took to the streets of Tehran to chant for freedom. However, the peaceful protest was met with violence and bloodshed, and from that day on, the era of executing hundreds of thousands of members and supporters of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) began. By ordering security forces to open fire on the peaceful demonstration of PMOI supporters in Tehran, Khomeini effectively triggered the countdown for his regime.

The regime reached a point of no return in the summer of 1988, when it executed 30,000 political prisoners, mostly most of whom were members and supporters of the PMOI. While the regime hoped to thus eliminate the Iranian Resistance, it had the reverse effect and further deepened the roots of the PMOI and the Iranian people’s resistance movement.

Hossein-Ali Montazeri, the heir-apparent of Khomeini, acknowledged this verdict and said to the executioners of the 1988 massacre: “I feel sorry for Mr. Khomeini, who will be described in history as being like this. In the future, they will write that people hate the supreme leader. I did not desire for the Supreme Leader to reach this point.”

The implications of this criminal decision were seen during nationwide uprisings, where masses of furious Iranians shouted “Death to the principle of Supreme Leader!” “Death to the dictator!” and “Curse be upon Khomeini, death to Khamenei!”

But what has happened that regime insiders now openly acknowledging that the rule of the mullahs is dead? The undeniable truth is that with the nationwide uprisings of December 2017, November 2019, and September 2022, Iranian society has entered a new phase in the democratic revolution to overthrow religious dictatorship and establish the rule of the people. And the people of Iran have made it clear in their slogans that the 1979 revolution is not dead but is being continued by the new generation of youth who believe in the same ideals and want to live in a democratic republic.




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