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HomeNEWSMEK Resistance Units defy the regime’s oppression across Iran

MEK Resistance Units defy the regime’s oppression across Iran

In the face of a regime resorting to execution and oppressive tactics to maintain its hold on power, the MEK Resistance Units in Iran have emerged as a formidable force, challenging the status quo and inspiring hope among the Iranian people. With unwavering determination, these courageous units are engaged in a series of activities aimed at defying the regime’s oppressive rule and advocating for a free and democratic Iran.

The Iranian regime’s alarming increase in executions has become a grave concern. Amnesty International reports that at least 110 inmates have been sent to the gallows since April 21, 2023. In 2022 alone, more than 576 people were executed in Iran, marking an 83 percent rise compared to the previous year. It is within this context that the MEK Resistance Units have stepped up their efforts to challenge the regime’s oppressive practices.

One of the notable activities undertaken by the Resistance Units is the torching of IRGC Basij entrances and other symbols associated with the oppressive regime. By targeting these organizations and structures, the units symbolically demonstrate their rejection of the regime’s reign of fear and oppression. These acts of defiance send a powerful message to both the regime and the Iranian people that they will not succumb to tyranny.

In a powerful display of unity and determination, the Resistance Units also projected large images of Iranian Resistance leaders, Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, onto prominent buildings in Tehran. This act carries deep symbolism, highlighting the unwavering spirit of the Iranian people in their quest to overthrow the mullahs. Maryam Rajavi, in particular, is seen as the regime’s primary adversary, as confirmed by regime officials. Her intensified activities against the Iranian regime have further cemented her position as a central figure in the struggle for freedom.

To further mobilize support and galvanize the Iranian population, the Resistance Units distributed posters of Maryam Rajavi in public places. These posters bore powerful slogans such as “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi” and “A free Iran with Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point-plan.” Simultaneously, the units took to the streets, adorning walls with graffiti that rejects any form of dictatorship and demands freedom for all Iranians. These acts serve as a visible reminder of the people’s unwavering determination and their refusal to be silenced.

The MEK Resistance Units are not merely engaged in symbolic gestures; their activities are part of a broader strategy to undermine the regime’s grip on power. By projecting images, distributing posters, and creating powerful slogans, the units challenge the environment of fear and repression created by the regime and demonstrate their ability to organize openly, despite the regime’s efforts to suppress them. However, it is important to acknowledge that these acts come at a great risk to the safety and lives of the Resistance Units’ members, as the regime has a history of cracking down on dissent.

The MEK Resistance Units stand as a symbol of courage and unity in the face of an oppressive regime. Through their defiance, they provide hope to the Iranian people, inspiring them to continue their struggle for freedom and democracy. The Resistance Units’ activities, from torching symbols of oppression to projecting images and spreading powerful slogans, serve as a resounding message that the Iranian people will not be silenced. As they continue to defy the regime’s oppressive rule, they pave the way for a brighter future and a free Iran.




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