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HomeARTICLESWhat’s behind Iran’s disastrous Covid-19 vaccine policy?

What’s behind Iran’s disastrous Covid-19 vaccine policy?

Analysis by PMOI/MEK

Iran, October 2, 2021—On Wednesday, the Iranian regime’s health ministry made the sudden announcement that “there is no decision to import Pfizer vaccines from any country.” This statement is in contrast to previous remarks by regime officials that 2 million doses of Pfizer vaccines would be imported from Belgium, per the state-run Tasnim News Agency on September 22.

At the time, the deputy health minister explicitly said that the 2.4 million doses of this vaccine would be imported into the country. He had said that, aside from Pfizer, the purchase of 5 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccines had been finalized.

When the news was declared the president of the regime’s Food and Drug Organization had explained that the Pfizer vaccine had purchased because “the World Health Organization approves no other vaccine than Pfizer for children and people under the age of 18.”

On September 30, health minister Bahram Einollahi reported that a limited amount of Pfizer vaccines would be imported for pregnant women. But shortly after, Einollahi revoked his statemen and said that the decision to import Pfizer vaccines for pregnant women has been canceled, according to the state-run Jahan-e Sanat newspaper, and these women will have to be treated with the China-manufactured Sinopharm vaccines.

This decision is against the recommendations of the regime’s own medical experts have advised against using the Sinopharm vaccine on pregnant women until there is undeniable evidence that the vaccine has no negative effects. Minoo Mohraz, the regime’s lead expert on vaccines in the Covid-19 Task Force, said, “Pfizer is a very good vaccine, and I recommend it for our medical staff and pregnant women.”

The question that remains is, why has the regime’s health ministry suddenly decided to retrace its steps just a few days after it had approved the import of vaccines?

In a September 30 article, Jahan-e Sanat confirmed that available vaccines in Iran are still in the medical experimentation phase and reported that every day, around one million doses of vaccines are left unused in different cities and towns. The people don’t trust the regime’s vaccines, the outlet acknowledged.

“In the past 20 months, since the beginning of the spread of Covid-19, for unknown reasons, the coronavirus vaccine has become a tool of politics for politicians,” Jahan-e Sanat confirms. It is worth noting that the regime is faced with an extremely explosive society, a population that is fed up with the repression and corruption of this regime and is no longer afraid of its brutal security forces. The Covid pandemic began in Iran only months after a nationwide uprising pushed the regime to the verge of collapse.

The regime has used all sorts of tactics to prevent protests. In this regard, unleashing Covid on the impoverished population is just one of the tools the regime uses to maintain its hold on power. The regime’s supreme leader explicitly banned the import of U.S. and UK produced vaccines in January before revoking his decision due to the public outrage caused by the growing number of Covid deaths.

At the same time, the ruling mullahs have resorted to executions, arrests, persecution, and harassment of protesters and dissidents to discourage the people from joining protests.

But with every criminal policy that the regime adopts, it gives the people one more reason to muster their strength and will and to organize and overthrow the despotic rule of the mullahs. The end of the Covid plague will eventually come to Iran, and when it does, the regime will lose one of its main weapons against the boiling rage of the Iranian population.





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