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HomeNEWSRESISTANCE24th telethon with Iranian opposition INTV satellite television network

24th telethon with Iranian opposition INTV satellite television network

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, December 18, 2019—Beginning on Friday, November 13th, the Iranian opposition television network “Iran National TV” launched its 24th telethon and Iranians from across the globe expressed their support for the Iranian people’s November uprising and the opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Iranians in exile also voiced their admiration regarding the courage shown by “Resistance Units” and PMOI/MEK supporters inside Iran, especially during the November uprising that spread to 191 cities across the country. The total amount of financial support provided reached $6.92 million, once again signaling the Iranian resistance's complete independence and the massive support provided by the Iranian people for this opposition movement that has continued its struggle against the mullahs’ regime for the past 40 years and counting.

Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi, head of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), issued a message emphasizing on how dear Iranians across the globe welcomed this 24th INTV telethon and expressed their support for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime. This is a strong indication of national solidarity and how Iranians yearn for freedom, and their admiration for the PMOI/MEK and the network of Resistance Units inside Iran, Madam Rajavi added.

This support and solidarity are in fact the continuation of the November Uprising against the mullahs’ regime and installing fear among the entire regime’s ranks and file. The Iranian population have proven their willingness to sacrifice their all for freedom, and the Iranian opposition will forever remain independent and rely on its own people to continue the efforts against the mullahs’ regime.

This telethon was live on air for over 59 hours through the course of five days, with over 100 telephone lines available for the Iranian people to express their support. Iranians were also very active on the internet and social media platforms, including Telegram from inside Iran, literally rushing to the support of INTV and the Iranian opposition through all possible mediums.

The most significant characteristic of the 24th INTV telethon could be witnessed in the Iranian people’s utter pride over the November uprising and the role played by Resistance Units in further encouraging the Iranian people in their struggle against the mullahs’ regime. Iranians across the globe pledged their allegiance with their compatriots inside Iran, especially the families of over 1,500 civilians killed by the ruthless mullahs’ regime during the November uprising.

Much of the support provided by Iranians from across the globe to INTV goes far beyond financial support. The trust that Iranians inside Iran and in countries checkered across the globe have in INTV to provide news about the ongoing struggle against the mullahs’ regime and to shed light on the corrupt nature of the regime’s apparatus and the terrorist-designated Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

This 24th INTV telethon was also a strong indication of teamwork by MEK supporters and Iranians yearning for freedom and democracy in Iran. This five-day campaign proved once again that no force is capable of stopping a nation devoted to realizing freedom and democracy.

The PMOI/MEK expresses its utter gratitude for the support shown by millions of Iranians inside the country and abroad, and once again expresses its absolute dedication to continue the relentless struggle aimed at establishing freedom, democracy, human rights and equality for the proud people of Iran.




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