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Why Rouhani keeps on lying about Iran’s coronavirus outbreak?

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, March 30, 2020—“We are not among countries where its patients are lying on the floor in the hospitals or the number of deaths is so high that the dead must be transferred with freezer trucks,” Iranian regime president Hassan Rouhani said in the latest installment of his despicable lies about the coronavirus crisis engulfing the entire country. Rouhani, like many other regime officials, is trying to cover up the negligence and incompetence of his regime with a disaster that has so far claimed the lives of more than 13,600 people.

“The country’s health and therapeutic infrastructure is so firm that it could stand tall until today and even if it takes weeks our health system is ready”, Rouhani also claimed.

Ironically, both claims have been refuted with undeniable evidence as well as confessions made by the regime’s own officials. Videos obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) show coronavirus victims falling in the middle of the streets due to lack of access to necessary facilities.

Other reports indicate that public hospitals and medical facilities are understaffed and under-resourced while the medical centers that belong to regime officials and forces are fully equipped.

The latest revelations made by the MEK show that the regime knew about the coronavirus epidemic at least two weeks before it officially acknowledged on February 19, after two people died of COVID-19 in Qom. Documents obtained by the MEK show that coronavirus patients had been registered in hospitals in Qom and Tehran in early February.

Rouhani also claimed in his latest remarks to have allocated 1,000tn rials (approx. $6bn) of the government budget for the coronavirus crisis, another blatant lie, and added, “Maybe this is surprising for the world that a country under sanctions can afford this while its hospitals are equipped at the same time!”

While the regime faces a huge budget deficit, it does not have the possibility to allocate $6bn to anything. Recently, Rouhani asked regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei in a letter to release $1bn from national reserve fund, which Khamenei has so far left unanswered.

It seems that as the situation becomes worse and the weaker the country’s health service becomes, Rouhani and other regime officials correspondingly add to their lies and deceitful comments. This is a known method of the Iranian regime.

Leaking of information and acknowledgments of regime officials

But the real scale of the disaster is so enormous that no matter how hard the regime tries to hide it, information leaks through various fissures in its web of repression.

“In total 350 people of the medical cadres of the Golestan Province are infected and suspect of acute respiratory disease and coronavirus and six doctors are in bad conditions”, said Abdolreza Fazl, head of the University of Medical Sciences of Golestan Province.

This is an example that shows the scale of the COVID-19 outbreak but also the inefficiency of country’s health services. Its medical equipment is so insufficient that even the lives of doctors and nurses cannot be quarantined. As a matter of fact, until now the number of doctors, nursed and medical cadres who died from coronavirus in Iran has surpassed 100.

The Head of Ardebil’s Khomeini hospital also pointed out that the hospital’s medical staff are tired and affected by a coronavirus and that the hospital’s capacity has been filled. He acknowledged that the Health Ministry statistics only represents those who have tested positive, and very few people have been tested. He added that the definite number of people who have contracted the virus is more than the amount that is officially announced. For example, the test of about 1,000 people in Ardabil was positive through CT Scan and these are unannounced statistics.

Regime’s fear of MEK revelations and notices

Despite the lies of Rouhani and regime officials, the people don’t pay any attention to any of it. The Iranian people are well aware because the truth is spread by various groups of people especially the medical staff, and is reported to the MEK or published in the social media. For this reason, the regime can’t stop the free flow of information.

Without mentioning MEK’s name Rouhani complained about the dimension of the Iranian Resistance’s revelations under the name of “spreading rumors, disturbing of people’s minds and making them nervous so they lose hope.”

“Our armed forces are there for our security, they are everywhere and wherever is needed our police, Basij, IRGC and armed forces are available,” threatened Rouhani.

 “The MEK is using all its forces and power to publish propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran and these days they publish fake news with the aim of disturbing the public order”, wrote Habilian website, one of the branches of the regime’s ministry of intelligence.

But Rouhani and other officials are tacitly acknowledging that their lies have caused public anger more than before. The international community is also doubting the regime’s sincerity in providing statistics and dealing with the crisis. The regime knows that the coronavirus is the prelude to a huge social storm, the likes of which it has never seen.




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