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HomeNEWSIRAN NEWSNew protest reports from various parts of Iran

New protest reports from various parts of Iran

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, August 11, 2020—People from different parts of Iran’s society have been holding protests demanding their delayed paychecks and pensions.

On Tuesday, the nationwide protest by workers in Iran's oil, natural gas and petrochemical industries and power plants continued for the eleventh consecutive day.

According to reports, the Bidkhoon refinery and Iran Ring of Industry Company have been completely shut down. The Tanesh Gostar Company is also on strike. Workers of the Omran Sanat, Farzin Moradi, Rugby Pouya, Gil Sanat and Kayhan Pars companies are also on strike.

The authorities at these companies, fearing the ongoing strikes’ consequences, are attempting to get the workers back through contractors and other agents by making pledges. So far, they have not succeeded.



A group of nurses from hospitals in Urmia, northwest Iran, gathered in front of the governor's office on Monday, August 10, protesting the fact that their paychecks have been delayed for several months.

The nurses at the rally said that most of them were in the corona ward of various hospitals and had not received their salaries and overtime work pay since March. They also protested increasing working hours and forced overtime work.

The protesters said their working hours had increased from 160 hours per month to 175 hours, without any increase their salaries. Each nurse is now obligated to work 50 hours of compulsory overtime work per month.



Also on Monday, contract workers of the Ahvaz Water and Sewage Company rallied outside the Khuzestan Water and Sewage Company building to protest paycheck delays.

Employees of the Health System Reform Plan gathered in front of the Khuzestan Governor's Office on Monday. The implementation of the job classification plan, regular payment of salaries, change of status and elimination of contracting companies are among the demonstrators’ demands.






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