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HomeARTICLESLebanese Hezbollah leader admits to getting missiles from the Iranian regime

Lebanese Hezbollah leader admits to getting missiles from the Iranian regime

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


Feb. 9, 2019 – In recent comments, Lebanese Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah said, “I will tell you with clarity and honesty, the Islamic Republic has been supplying all our needs, from medical pills to missiles. We couldn’t have supplied these without them.”

Regarding the Iranian regime’s support for terrorist and paramilitary groups in the Middle East, Nasrallah said, “Iran is helping Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and resistance groups. Iran helped in Iraq, in Syria and Lebanon and Yemen and Bahrain.”

It is worth reminding that in a Hezbollah rally, Nasrallah had said, “We say it very clearly in front of the entire world, the budget and expenses of food and weapons and missiles of Hezbollah are being paid by the Islamic Republic… As long as Iran has money, we have money.”

During the 2017-2018 uprisings, Nasrallah, who was fearing that a blow to the Iranian regime will undermine its own financial resources, wrote to Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, “We are confident that these movement will not shake the foundations of the Iranian establishment, which has been founded on the principle of Velayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist). Hezbollah will support you with all its might and human resources.”

Reiterating his loyalty to the mullahs’ regime, Nasrallah said, “We are all soldiers of the army of the supreme leader and we will prevail over anyone who wants to carry out activities against Iran.”

While the Iranian regime is spending the Iranian people’s money to replenish the weapon stashes of Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, the people of Iran are struggling to make ends meet and provide the most basic needs for their families. In the past months, thousands of workers in different areas of Iran have protested over not receiving their wages. Teachers are protesting to awful work conditions and low pay. Truck drivers are protesting to high prices. And the children of Iran are dying in unsafe, underfunded schools that lack the minimum safety measures.

In the streets of Iran, the people continue to call off the Iranian regime for wasting the country’s resources on fueling conflicts and sectarianism in the Middle East. Protesters are regularly chanting in the streets “No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, my life for Iran” and “Leave Syria, think about us,” a reflection of their anger over the squandering of Iran’s wealth on the regime’s terrorist proxies.





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