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HomeARTICLESIranian officials terrified over consequences of corruption, poverty

Iranian officials terrified over consequences of corruption, poverty

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


Iran, June 29, 2019 – While officials of the Iranian regime admit that the Islamic Republic is suffering the worst economic crisis of its history, blatant and widespread corruption throughout the ruling mullahcracy has rendered them incapable of mitigating and confronting the situation.

Meanwhile, elements of the Iranian regime, rank, and file, warn each other about the gloomy prospects of their current situation.

Many officials and members of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) consider the current situation as an “economic war” and while reminding the regime’s situation in the 1980s, consider the current situation even more difficult than the day’s of the [Iran-Iraq] war.

Referring to the regime’s inability to confront the situation, regime officials are saying the government is only trying to treat the crises locally.

The record of political factions in this regard are summarized as there has never been, in the exact and scientific sense, a systemic attempt on the level of the whole power structure to design a plan for this purpose. On the contrary, regime officials believe they have had a terrifying waste of resources, putting domestic manufacturers in more severe crises. This is the price the Iranian people are paying due to the regime’s destructive policies.

The regime’s economy is making new records in the misery index every year.

Meanwhile, according to the regime’s Center for Statistics, Iranian state-run media report that during the last Persian month (May-June), “The costs for Iranian families escalated by 50 percent,” compared to the same month last year.

Majlis members and other regime officials are describing the regime’s hierarchy as a mafia-like power structure of the ruling kleptocracy.

This only sheds more light into the never-ending abyss of corruption in the mullahs’ regime that has deprived the Iranian people of the money that belongs to them. As a result, more than 80 percent of the population is living under the poverty line, according to a Deutsche Welle Farsi report.





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