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HomeARTICLESIran’s FATF crisis over CTF, Palermo bills

Iran’s FATF crisis over CTF, Palermo bills

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


Iran, June 4, 2019 – The deadline is fast approaching for the mullahs’ regime in Iran to ratify the outstanding bills in relation to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a Paris-based organization missioned to disrupt money laundering and funds for terrorist groups. Various FATF regulations will bring about major restrictions for Tehran's banking systems. The regime is currently facing a major crisis in regards to the counter-terrorism financing (CFT) and “Palermo” bills.
Iran’s own Fars news agency, associated with the terrorist-designated Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), is reporting increasing feuds among Iranian regime officials on ratifying or not ratifying the remaining FATF bills.

“Those in support of ratifying all FATF bills have always claimed Iran’s state will be blacklisted if we refuse to give in to the FATF demands. They resort to such tactics when deadlines are due in order to place pressure on members of the Expediency Council. However, following U.S. sanctions, even if the Islamic republic is blacklisted or becomes the target of countermeasures, it will be nothing new,” the piece reads in part.

There are voices thinking otherwise.

“If we refuse to ratify these bills, we will certainly be making circumstances more difficult than they are now, especially for engaging with the world, including selling our oil and receiving the money for it,” said Nosratollah Tajik, a former Iranian regime diplomat.

The state-run Doniyaye Eqtesad (World of Economics) daily published a piece also voicing grave concerns in regards to Tehran’s possible refusal to sign the FATF bills.

“If the Expediency Council votes against these two bills, the Islamic republic’s chance will decrease significantly for not only exiting the [FATF] blacklist but also evading the body’s countermeasures,” the piece reads in part.

However, Hossein Mozzafar, a member of the Expediency Council, made it clear that the CTF and Palermo bills will be finalized by June 22. The large majority of the Expediency Council are strongly against these two bills.

The FATF Plenary and Working Group meetings will convene from June 16-21 in Orlando, Florida.




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