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HomeNEWSIRAN NEWSIran: Inmate on atrocious conditions in Tehran’s Evin Prison

Iran: Inmate on atrocious conditions in Tehran’s Evin Prison

Reported by PMOI/MEK


Iran, Jan. 30, 2019 – Evin Prison has been known as a notorious dungeon in Iran, both during the shah’s dictatorship and now under the mullahs’ religious fascism. Recently, a prisoner has written about today’s atrocious conditions in this hellhole.

“The wards of Evin Prison are packed with inmates, far higher than the capacity. Twenty to twenty-five inmates are held in one room, most of whom sleep on the floor. The food is very poor in quality. They use soya in the food that is specially made for livestock. The food literally cannot be eaten. There is no sign of vegetables or any protein-rich foods. The inmates are served half-cooked rice and soya on a daily basis.

“The store sells some food stuffs at very low quality, in very limited quantities at skyrocketing prices. These items are at least 20 percent more expensive than ordinary items sold outside of the prison. The store provides fruits once every 20 days at very low quantity and extremely high prices.

“According to the prison’s rules and regulations, one loaf of bread should be provided with meal. However, these days each inmate receives only one and half loaf of bread for the entire day and it is very low in quality. The inmates are told they have to purchase more bread if they wish. They are even demanding the prisoners pay for hygiene goods such as trash bags.

“Any inmate unable to afford this must do chores/services for the prison, such as round up trash, clean various areas and …

“Each inmate must receive one razor, some tide, shampoo and a small towel, toothpaste and a toothbrush. In the past four months, they have no longer provided toothpastes, toothbrushes or towels. Other hygiene necessities have been cut in half and shampoo is only provided once every two months.

“In regards to those who become ill, there is literally no medical care. There is not even any medicine or medical care for simple cases of colds. Doctors only visit a very limited number of inmates each day. Each section with 200 inmates are only allowed to send five people for such visits. Even if you are able to be visited there is literally no medicine. Prison authorities say, ‘A noble individual must be found to purchase medicine because the prison has no responsibility in this regard.’

“Inmates must pay huge amounts of money to call their family members and such services are not provided by the prison.

“In ward 8, where 800 inmates are held, there are 40 phones that are open only 12 hours a day. Each prisoner is officially permitted to have a call lasting for only half an hour. However, one third of this time is eaten up to enter the various codes needed to open the necessary lines.

“Another problem is that prison officials receive bribes from certain inmates, and thus they do not allocate the time equally among all inmates. This has resulted in quarrels and even fights among ordinary prisoners.”

Having being condemned 65 times by the United Nations for its hideous human rights violations, the Iranian regime cares nothing about the inmates’ rights. That is why each prison is turned into business opportunities for the regime officials, let alone the torture and executions taking place in such dungeons.




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