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HomeNEWSPMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan vow to end "Khamenei's Cold Winter"

PMOI Resistance Units in Zahedan vow to end “Khamenei’s Cold Winter”

In a notable surge of resistance activities in Zahedan, the Resistance Units of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have been at the forefront of anti-regime operations, emphasizing their unwavering resolve to dismantle the clerical rule governing Iran. Amidst the ongoing strife for freedom and democracy, the Resistance Units have vocalized their aspirations through poignant messages that resonate with the Iranian populace’s yearning for liberation.

Under the banner of “The cold winter of Khamenei will end, our nation will be free,” PMOI activists in Zahedan encapsulated the collective sentiment of Iranians who have been under the oppressive rule of the regime for decades. This phrase not only symbolizes the hope for an end to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s reign but also a transition towards a future where the Iranian people can freely determine their destiny.

The resistance units have also championed the cause of women’s rights, echoing the rallying cry, “Woman, Resistance, Freedom.” This slogan underscores the integral role of women in the fight against the regime’s misogynistic policies and their pivotal position in shaping a progressive Iran. The PMOI’s focus on women’s empowerment reflects a broader commitment to gender equality as a cornerstone of their vision for a post-regime Iran.

Moreover, the resistance units in Zahedan committed to commemorating the martyrs of what has been referred to as Zahedan’s Bloody Friday. This tragic event, which happened on September 30, 2022, saw the loss of innocent lives at the hands of the regime’s security forces and remains a somber reminder of the sacrifices made in the quest for freedom. The PMOI’s vow to “bring the spring of victory” in the new year is a testament to their determination to honor the memory of the fallen by continuing their struggle until triumph.

The activities and messages of the PMOI resistance units in Zahedan signify a pivotal moment in Iran’s opposition movement. By steadfastly standing against the regime and mobilizing support around the ideals of freedom, resistance, and equality, they are not only challenging the status quo but also laying the groundwork for a future Iran characterized by democratic governance and human rights.

As the Iranian opposition continues to gain momentum, the resolve of PMOI activists in Zahedan and across Iran serves as a beacon of hope for those who dream of a liberated, democratic, and prosperous nation. The message is clear: the end of “Khamenei’s cold winter” is in sight, and with it, the dawn of a new era for Iran and its people.

PMOI Resistance Units across Iran are marking the Persian New Year with activities against the regime. They are doing this despite the regime’s wave of repressive measures against dissidents, especially supporters of the PMOI. They are serving as a beacon of hope and momentum for the Iranian masses who are fed up with the tyranny of the regime and want to live in a democratic republic that rejects any form of dictatorship, whether it is the shah or the mullahs. Their slogan “Death to the dictator, be it the shah or the mullahs” has become a national rally cry for the freedom-loving people of Iran. Their widespread activities in every corner of Iran also symbolizes the solidarity of Iranians of every faith, ethnicity, and social background.




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