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HomeNEWSMassive Berlin rally further proves Iranian Resistance, MEK legitimacy

Massive Berlin rally further proves Iranian Resistance, MEK legitimacy

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), asked a massive crowd of freedom-loving Iranians rallying in Berlin on Saturday, July 23: “What have you done that the mullahs’ regime is so furious about the Iranian Resistance?!”

The thousands of NCRI supporters gathered in Berlin to hold their rally coinciding with the annual Iranian Resistance convention is a clear signal of the turbulent status quo in Iran. As the ruling regime seeks to keep a lid on the country’s restive population through an iron fist and nationwide crackdown, the Iranian nation continues to rise against mullahs’ tyranny and oppression.

This is the Iranian Resistance, symbolized in the NCRI coalition and its cornerstone member, being the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), that continues to rally freedom-loving Iranians from across Europe to hold such a massive demonstration. Each member of the Iranian Diaspora taking part in such a demonstration represents thousands of Iranians inside Iran in their relentless opposition to the mullahs’ dictatorship. This is the very reason why Berlin’s rally on Saturday was dubbed: “For Freedom, On the March to Freedom.”

This demonstration is also the voice of over 5,000 members of the MEK’s network of Resistance Units members checkered across Iran, of which Mrs. Rajavi said: “Yesterday, I saw video and audio messages of more than 5,000 Resistance Units, who announced they are ready and said we can and we must overthrow this regime.”

Any fair observer understands the demanding work, commitment, and organization necessary to coordinate and launch such a massive rally. The MEK is able to do so by relying on their vast network of supporters across the globe who have, for the past four decades and counting, relentlessly continued to be the voice of the Iranian people in their ongoing struggle to establish peace and democracy across Iran.

A number of the speakers at the rally also referred to the recent agreement between Belgium and the Iranian regime that could render the release of Tehran’s convicted diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi  and his three accomplices who are serving up to 20 years in prison for their role in a thwarted bomb plot targeting the “Free Iran” gathering held in 2018 just north of Paris.

We can’t allow Iran’s regime to take European hostages.

We need a strategy change in our policy toward Iran’s regime. A well-organized movement that can lead Iran to a democratic future exists. It is led by Mrs. Rajavi, the MEK, and the NCRI. They can really bolster our stance when we deal with Iran’s regime,” Eduart Lintner, German Parliamentary State Secretary for the Federal Secretary of the Interior from 1991 to 1998.

“The Iranian regime has shown violence and torture. We all should be aware that this regime wouldn’t be empowered more if it was not using violence to suppress the people of Iran. Mrs. Rajavi has been presenting the ten-point plan for years. It promises success for Iran’s fantastic culture. Iran can quickly rise to become a powerful and striving country,” said Dr. Franz-Josef Jung, Federal Minister of Defense from 2005 to 2009.

“Oppression and terror are a sign of weakness, not strength. Iran’s regime is on its way toward downfall… The treaty that the Belgium government is considering must not go through. Assadi played a part in a terror plot. He must not be freed. He must not enjoy impunity. If he is freed, it will open the floodgates of terror in Europe,” said Christoph de Vries, Member of the German Parliamentary Control Committee for the control of the federal intelligence services.

MEK supporters living in Germany, especially the youth, voiced their support for the Iranian Resistance while criticizing the West for their appeasement policy vis-à-vis Tehran.

“We’re seeing cooperation between Germany and Iran’s regime in the past 40 years. During this time, the regime has executed more than 100,000 freedom fighters and exported terrorism across the globe. A regime diplomat tried to bomb a large resistance rally. We still haven’t seen the German government take any serious action in this regard. A few days ago, the Belgian government agreed to a prisoner-swap deal with Iran to free Assadollah Assadi. Again, Germany remained silent,” said members of the Iranian youth community in Germany. “The government of Germany has a duty to protect its citizens against the Iranian regime’s terrorism. Rise to your duties and stop supporting the Iranian regime.”

“I support the MEK as the real alternative to the mullahs’ regime. The regime continues to spread propaganda against the MEK. They try to create a bad reputation for the MEK. As a German Iranian youth who is studying international politics, I look at things objectively. I’ve studied the history of the MEK and their values. There is no other organization that can stand up against the mullahs and create a free Iran,” said another young Iranian living in Germany.

“In recent years Iranian women have shown that the regime’s crackdown strategy to suppress women has failed. The brave women of the Resistance Units are a role model of progress in Iran. Today, Iran’s women are a model against fundamentalism. They are represented by Mrs. Rajavi and the women of MEK, who have sacrificed everything to obtain everything for their people,” said Maryam Garfami, a representative of the Societies of Iranian Experts (SIE) at the Berlin rally.

“In the past six months, Iran’s people have proven that they will have the last word against the regime. The Resistance Units have proven their might. The mullahs’ dirty deals with European powers have yielded no results for the regime. The regime is desperate. The sacrifices that the Iranian Resistance has made has brought us here. The Iranian Resistance is the hope for all of the Iranian people,” said Dr. Saeid Ferdows, a representative of the SIE.

“Developments in Iran show that this regime will be overthrown by the Iranian Resistance and the Iranian people. Anyone with a sense of logic would know that only an organized entity with worthy leadership and a right strategy can overthrow this regime,” said Masoud Zehdabchiو another representative of the SIE.

“This is a Resistance movement that is strong, organized, spread out across five continents, and with unprecedented legitimacy. This Resistance movement brought appeasers to their knees in a campaign that lasted 18 days in the streets of Europe and the Americas. This is the pride of any Iranian to have such an organization and movement. The MEK have proven that they will not surrender to pressure, repression, or appeasement. They are a national treasure. They will bring the mullahs to their knees,” said Aziz Fouladvand, a representative of the SIE, regarding the MEK-led campaign against the shameful Brussels-Tehran treaty.

This latest demonstration by the MEK and its supporters is yet again a message of hope for the Iranian people. The Iranian Resistance has established a vast network of Resistance Units inside Iran and enjoys enormous support among the Iranian Diaspora all over the world. This is key to overcoming the regime in Tehran and establishing a free, democratic and non-nuclear Iran.

This is also why the Iranian Resistance has been able to continue and redouble its efforts despite the West’s pro-appeasement approach that has long provided life support for the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

As Mrs. Rajavi concluded in her speech to the Berlin rally: “The situation has gotten to a point that neither the butcher [Iranian regime President Ebrahim] Raisi nor a nuclear bomb are going to be effective. The mullahs’ ploys of trying to raise the dead and deposed shahs from the grave will not cure anything either. The mullahs regime is at the verge of the same grave in which the monarchy fell. Yes, Iran will be free and as Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance, said: No power in the world can prevent the Iranian people’s uprising and freedom.”




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