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US is here to stay, Trump says about Syria

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


July 28, 2018 – US President Donald Trump told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin American forces will remain in Syria until the Iranian regime’s presence comes to an end in the Levant, informed sources say.

In March, Trump spread concerns by saying he would like to see US forces leaving Syria “very soon” and leaving the matter for “other people to take care of it.”

One day after the Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki, US National Security Advisor John Bolton told ABC that US troops will remain in Syria “as long as the Iranian menace continues throughout the Middle East.”

Various media outlets have reported intense lobbying by Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others that oppose the Iranian regime’s presence across the region, and most specifically Syria.

Analysts believe tensions between the US and Iran have not been so fierce for years.

While Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani warned Trump of a war against the mullahs would be “the mother all wars,” Trump’s response came in an all-caps tweet, speaking of “consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.”

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force chief Qassem Suleimani, a man who usually stays out of the spotlight, entered the scene and used low-level insults against the US President, calling him a “gambler” and resorting to a variety of hollow threats.

The Iranian regime resorting to such remarks and measures signals extreme concerns at the senior ranks. This escalation in tension is only against the mullahs’ interests.

The weeks and months ahead are full of unprecedented challenges, especially with two rounds of major sanctions due on Augusts 6th and November 4th, aiming to cut off Tehran from the global financial network and zero their oil exports.





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