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Iran’s history burns under the mullahs’ rule

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


Iran, July 27, 2018 – Iran is well known for its rich culture that goes back thousands of years, and historical scenes and monuments such as Persepolis, Mount Behistun…

But under the harsh rule of the mullahs, Iran’s history is shriveling and fading, and its last remnants are fading. In the last five months, there have been five incendiary incidents in different historical locations, which has caused damage to structures that have stood for centuries.

Sarhangabad, Ardestan, Isfahan province

Sarhangabad, Ardestan, Isfahan province

This historical monument in Isfahan province, which has been a tourist attraction for decades, has suffered immensely under the corrupt rule of the mullahs, and mismanagement has led to the decay of the structure.

Daryabaygi House, Langarud, Gilan province

One of the cultural heritage of the Gilan Province, the Daryabaygi House became the victim of a major fire incident earlier this year. These historical houses were built centuries ago, at the beginning of the Qajar dynasty and had been the headquarters of the city’s naval forces. During the fire incident, which happened in April this year, more than 80 percent of the site was destroyed.

Golestan national park

Earlier this year, a major fire in the Golestan national park destroyed more than 150 acres of grasslands and forest. This park, which straddles the eastern parts of the Golestan province and western parts of Northern Khorasan, is considered a protected zone.

This is one of the oldest national parks in Iran and is home to more than 1350 plant and 300 animal species, including half of Iran’s mammals. The Golestan national park spans over 900 square kilometers. UNESCO has classified the Golestan national park as one of the planet’s sources of ecological reserves.

Pol-e-siah, Ahvaz, Khuzestan province

The first bridge of the city of Ahvaz was named Pol-e-siah, or Black Bridge, for the color of its chassis. Earlier this year, a fire incident near the bridge quickly spread and engulfed the entire bridge. Due to the lack of services and facilities to counter natural disasters, Pol-e-siah burned for hours.

Sari’s Jameh Mosque dates back to the first centuries of Islam

Sari’s Jameh Mosque dates back to the first centuries of Islam

The Jameh Mosque, Sari, Mazandaran province

Sari’s Jameh Mosque dates back to the first centuries of Islam and has been registered as one of the historical monuments of Iran. The beautiful mosque was engulfed in flames a month ago, and major parts of it were destroyed. According to reports, the incident was due to bad electricity installments. The incident could easily have been prevented.




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