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HomeARTICLESThe force of the opposition terrifies Iran regime

The force of the opposition terrifies Iran regime

Analysis by PMOI/MEK


Iran, July 1, 2019 – Iran’s state-run TV networks, through their vast and extensive programs, are acknowledging the growing influence and social power of the Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) by distorting dates and denying the influence the MEK enjoy among the Iranian people.

“Discussing the MEK’s influence is not just talk about memoirs. It is a warning about the sensitive circumstances we are facing today,” said Hossein Ebrahimi, a member of the regime Islamic Republic party.

To understand the extent of the regime’s fear of the MEK, remarks made by one of the regime’s Intelligence Ministry (MOIS) agents are quite enlightening.

“One of the blows to the regime comes from the MEK. The MEK is a live organism that has grown and increased its power and influence both inside and outside Iran,” said the MOIS agent going by the name of Ruzitalab.

The regime’s fear of the MEK is now more obvious from across the globe.

As the power of the alternative and the will to overthrow this regime increases, the force of the regime decreases to the extent that its faded propaganda machine would become obsolete.





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