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HomeARTICLESWhy Iran’s regime is installing mullahs in key positions

Why Iran’s regime is installing mullahs in key positions

The regime ruling Iran has launched an initiative aimed at installing thousands of mullahs in various entities across the country as a new means to impose even further control over the Iranian people, the country’s economy, and everyday life. State TV claims this plan began two years ago and has been gaining momentum recently. There are different objectives that regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is pursuing with this initiative, and economic incentives is only one aspect of a bigger picture.

This plan will see to install mullahs as “experts and religious counsels at police stations” and one senior official has said such a program will be enormously useful for the mullahs’ regime.

“Religious supervisors stationed at all banks.”

Coincidently, the mullahs’ Majlis (parliament) has placed forward and adopted the “Islamic Banking Bill”, and the regime’s Central Bank has issued instructions for “religious supervisors stationed at all banks.” Schools will have “advisory mullahs” who will enjoy significant authority over these important facilities.

In Iran under this regime mullahs are now even considered de facto physicians and medical experts. The regime is also launching the “Psychology Commission and advisory under the teachings of religious and Islamic culture”, claiming “the objective is to exert domestic potential by seeking personnel from the regime’s religious schools.

The Iranian people know full well that the mullahs’ regime has been implementing their rule and further meddling in the people’s daily lives and all the country’s entities for the past 43 years since the 1979 revolution. The mullahs believe maintaining their regime intact depends on ruling with an iron fist, especially through executions and torture. Another face of this approach is resorting to religious pretexts to establish their place in people’s lives and all the country’s vital entities/infrastructure.

This initiative signals the failure of Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency after just one year into his tenure. Khamenei facilitated Raisi’s rise to power to make sure that his regime remains united as it continues to face growing dissent at home and isolation abroad. Raisi, notoriously renowned for his key role in the 1988 massacre of political prisoner, symbolizes the mullahs’ rule of terror for four decades. But even Raisi was not able to achieve Khamenei’s hopes of strengthening his hold on power.

Not only did Raisi fail in reining in protests, but his hollow promises of lowering the currency exchange rate, bringing down prices, reopening the country’s shutdown factories, resolving unemployment, and building one million homes for those in need have turned out to be nothing but words, further aggravating protests.

The Iranian people are calling out Raisi’s lies in their ongoing protests, demanding answers regarding his hollow promises and calling out the country’s skyrocketing prices of various goods. Even state media is acknowledging Raisi’s failures.

“Maybe Raisi’s only accomplishment was his plan of imposing hijab (headscarf) rules and regulations,” read a piece in the state-run Mostaghel daily on July 27. And it goes without saying that the mullahs’ obligatory headscarf rule, among many other crackdown measures supervised by Raisi, has rendered nothing but escalating hatred among the Iranian population.

This explains why Khamenei, in light of his failure to consolidate power through, is now resorting to new tactics, installing the mullahs—his final and diminishing bastion of support—to key roles in hopes of maintaining control over the levers of power in Iran.

But how successful will the regime’s installation of mullahs in key positions of power be? These measures come at a time that hatred for the mullahs’ rule is at an all-time high. In their daily protests, the people of Iran are constantly chanting “the mullahs must get lost,” acknowledging where the main root of the country’s problems are. The tension in the society suggests that Khamenei’s latest tactic will only backfire at his own regime.




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