Wednesday, May 8, 2024
HomeARTICLESThe MEK's roots in Iran's history and society

The MEK’s roots in Iran’s history and society

The following is an article submitted to the Persian edition of the PMOI/MEK website by Resistance Unit 146. Resistance Units are a network of activists inside Iran, associated with the MEK. Resistance Units carry out anti-regime activities at great risk to their lives, since the Iranian regime punishes any support for the MEK with heavy sentences and possibly execution.

If you examine the struggle for freedom in the history of Iran and other countries, you will find very few freedom-seeking movements that have been able to withstand the test of time and stand unified against trials and tribulations.

We clearly remember the popular protests of 2009 [following the rigged presidential elections], which [regime presidential candidates Mirhossein] Moussavi and [Mehdi] Karroubi tried to hijack as their own. And we remember what happened to that uprising…

There is no shortage of such cases in the history of our nation. But the only people who have stood firm and unified in the struggle for freedom are those who, as [Iranian Resistance leader] Massoud Rajavi has said, are willing to make sacrifices.

I am addressing those selfish ignorant individuals as well as haters who, at the behest of the regime’s intelligence apparatus or due to their own self-serving needs, attack the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) every once in a while.

I still remember vividly when in 2002, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) first revealed the regime’s nuclear sites in Natanz and Arak. At the time, a Persian radio a person who claimed to be a former MEK member. When asked how the MEK succeeded in discovering the secret nuclear site, that person said, “The MEK usually launch propaganda campaigns when they feel threatened. This is their tactic to lift the pressure. Now that they are under political and international pressure, they have raised the issue of Natanz.” Those revelations were shortly before foreign states bombed MEK members in Ashraf [during the 2003 U.S.-Iraq conflict].

But now, everyone has concluded that those revelations prevented [regime supreme leader Ali] Khamenei from obtaining the nuclear bomb. But that person, who claimed to be a researcher, an expert, and a former MEK member never admitted that he had made a mistake and that had it not been for the revelations of the MEK, Khamenei, whose regime is now taking its last breaths, would have become a global power that would have laid waste to Iran and the world.

To those who are criticizing the MEK from the comfort of their homes and Clubhouse chatrooms and are accusing the organization of being distrustful of others and devoid of love and feeling, my question is, would it be possible for this organization to reach such amazing heights that have left the world in awe?

If you haven’t seen them, look at the Resistance Units. Most of them are not old enough to have ever seen an MEK member up close, but through the MEK, they have become filled with love for freedom.

So we can conclude that this organization is like a standing tree that, no matter how much they strike at its branches and leaves, continues to grow and bloom.

Resistance Unit 146




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