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Iran: “People’s disagreement” on the brink of explosion & the prospects

Analysis by PMOI/MEK

Iran, September 6, 2019–Contrary to Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani’s empty promises and false statistics about an improving economy, it’s clear that the “people’s discontent” is at a boiling point and there is no aspect of people’s lives that has been spared by the mullahs’ corrupt deeds.

Unbelievable as it may sound, Iranian officials are relentlessly attempting to paint a picture of prosperity and development. Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, still disoriented from the latest round of U.S. sanctions, talks about the “second 40 years,” while Rouhani tells a story of the “benefits of the JCPOA” and how the “inflation decreased over the past two months.”

JCPOA is the acronym for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the term used for the 2015 nuclear deal between major powers and the regime in Iran.

But if you cross the deceptive cover of the mullahcracy in Iran, you will clearly see unprecedented levels of popular discontent that are on the brink of explosion.

The following are excerpts from Iranian media showing how discontent the population is with every aspect of the regime:

Tasnim news agency, close to the blacklisted Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC):

The Supreme Leader's representative in Yazd province referred to popular discontent with increasing prices, criticizing the situation with the automotive industry in the country. “We don’t see any real resolve in automakers to become self-sufficient and innovate,” he said.

IRNA news agency quoted the Health Minister’s deputy:

“We can feel that the people are discontent about [a lack in] imported medicines that are also manufactured domestically.”

Tasnim news agency quoted Mehdi Hashemi, chair of Tehran’s city council, saying after a session with Tehran’s mayor that the people are not happy about the public transportation system.

Tasnim news agency reports:

The governor of Behmei county says that the people of his county are very discontent due to decreasing electricity. “This problem has also led to water shortages,” he adds.

IRANA news agency reports:

“Nowadays, the Shadegan marshlands, despite recent floods, remain in poor conditions. Dying fish in the pond, changing colors and discontent locals living in the marshlands are all signs of poor conditions for a marshland area that is recognized on an international scale.”

The list goes on but there are three key conclusions that one can reach from these warnings by Iranian officials and media.

First, it is evident that there is almost no aspect of ordinary Iranians’ lives spared by the doom of the ruling mullahs in Iran.

“The complete stoppage or slow progress of infrastructure projects, not following up on projects that have already been started by the government, a lack of understanding by some officials about investing in the province, mismanagement and inefficiency in managing natural resources, discontent farmers… are all among the reasons of discontent among the provincial population,” says Mohammad Khodabakhshi, a member of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) from Aligudarz of Lorestan Province, western Iran.

Second, ordinary Iranians are beyond the internal factions of the political elite and don’t trust and care anymore for any of them.

“It’s not about moderates and conservatives anymore. People are on the brink of not trusting the major  mottoes of the country anymore,” according to the Arman newspaper, close to Khamenei’s faction. “We should not limit peoples’ discontent to moderates or conservatives. We need deeper structural reforms. If the problem was with moderates only, we could say that moderates should revise their strategy and programs. However, the fact is that the problem is beyond political factions.”

Third, the main reason that Iranian officials are terrified about “popular discontent” is an organized opposition that is ready for change in Iran when the time is ripe.

Assadollah Nasseh, a former commander of the IRGC, puts it clearly without diplomatic considerations.

Referring to the Iranian regime’s arch enemy in “Albania” who want to “overthrow the Islamic Republic”, he bluntly says: “[The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)] will affect our youth, recruit and take various measures. We ourselves have paved the path with all this corruption.”




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