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HomeNEWSIRAN NEWSIn Iran, people blame the regime for the coronavirus disaster

In Iran, people blame the regime for the coronavirus disaster

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, April 7, 2020—The Iranian regime tries to blame U.S. sanctions as the real reason for the coronavirus catastrophe in Iran. But in reality, no one but the regime is responsible. Since its beginning, the crisis has been marked with the regime not being transparent about the news and prioritizing its political and economic interests over the health and welfare of the people.

Even as Iran spirals into a health and economic disaster, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s $200 billion wealth is enough for managing the crisis. Yet the regime refrains from spending its massive wealth to make sure the Iranian people have the means to sustain while they remain in their homes. Meanwhile, regime president Hassan Rouhani wants to use the crisis as an opportunity to strengthen his bid for sanctions relief and remains antagonistic to public quarantines.

Rouhani downplays the situation and insists on not imposing quarantines on cities, calling it a conspiracy of the anti-revolutionists to shut down the economy.

So far, the coronavirus outbreak has claimed more than 18,600 lives according to the reports tallied by the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Various data has been gathered by the MEK network inside of Iran from hospitals, morgues, mortuaries across the country.

Rouhani’s lies have caused public outrage. The inhuman regime wants to use the coronavirus outbreak as an instrument to maintain its rule. But the people of Iran want to get rid of the regime. Therefore, in recent days defiant and brave youths across Iran and the members of the Iranian Resistance Units, a network of the MEK activists across the country, reflected the Iranian people’s desire for peace, freedom, democracy, and welfare. Different activities were carried out across the country against the Iranian regime suppression and propaganda centers and the people blamed the regime as the main cause of the coronavirus outbreak.

On April 5, 2020, the rebellious youth of Tehran torched the Intelligence Directorate of the regime’s Prisons Organization, which orchestrates the suppression of Iranian prisoners. In recent weeks, riots broke out in several Iranian prisons as the coronavirus spread became a major threat to inmates. Many prisoners were protesting the authorities’ refusal to release the inmates and lack of hygiene supplies during the ongoing coronavirus crisis in Iran.

Apr 5, 2020 – Rebellious Youth target Intelligence Directorate of the regime’s Prisons Organization


On April 4, the brave youth set fire to the entrance sign of the offices of Iranian Regime’s “Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation” (a center for looting the Iranian people’s wealth), an Iranian regime center for spreading fundamentalism and Sharia Law in Shiraz, and an IRGC Basij Base in Karaj. Basij, a subsidiary of the terrorist-designated Revolutionary Guards, is the Iranian regime’s paramilitary force and the most hated suppressive group that is used to crack down on protests and demonstrations such as the November nationwide uprising.

Apr 4 2020 – Rebellious Youth attack regime's economic foundation and Basij base


On the same day, members of the MEK Resistance Units in Tehran, Isfahan (Ghaemiyeh Park), Mashhad, Najafabad, Kerman, Pardis (Karaj), Gorgan, Khoramabad and Andimeshk installed posters and pictures of Iranian Resistance leaders Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi on the walls with the slogans: “Iran is blazing. The people of Iran want neither the coronavirus nor the mullahs”, “We salute the 1,500 martyrs of the November 2019 nationwide protests. The fallen for freedom”, “Coronavirus outbreak is the guilt of the Iranian regime and mullahs” and “Hail to Rajavi, the true leader of Iran. Down with Khamenei.”

On April 3, the IRGC Basij Base bases in Isfahan, Shiraz and Shahriar (Tehran) and a Fundamentalist propaganda center in Kerman were torched by the rebellious and brave Iranian youths. Also, in Tehran, Isfahan, Andimeshk, Alborz and Khoramabad pictures and posters of regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini and supreme leader Khamenei were burned with the slogans: “Down with Khamenei” and “Coronavirus outbreak is the guilt of the Iranian regime & mullahs.” The youth also burned the picture of IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone in January.

April 3, 2020 – Rebellious Youth target Iranian regime bases and icons


On the same day in Shiraz, handwritten slogans were installed on the walls saying, “We must get rid of both the mullahs and the coronavirus.”

Another Center of spread of fundamentalism and sharia laws in Qom was torched by the defiant Iranian youths on April 2 while a Qassem Soleimani’s banner was burned in Lahijan.

In Tehran rebellious youths throwed Molotov cocktail to Banners of Khamenei and regime founder, Ruhollah Khomeini with the slogan “Up the flag”.

April 2, 2020 – Rebellious Youth target regime's centers


Also, on April 2, in Mashhad, Ghaemshahr, Seravan, Kashmar, ShahinShahr, Behbahan and Hamedan posters and pictures of Maryam and Massoud Rajavi were installed on the walls:

Maryam Rajavi: “National solidarity to prevent coronavirus spread and to oppose Khamenei, the real cause of all problems” and “We will resist and fight the virus and the ruling theocracy.” 

In Behbahan supporters of the MEK thanked the medical staff of hospitals and dignified doctors and nurses and said, “We will get rid of the mullahs’ regime’s curse and coronavirus.”

Similar activities were carried out on March 31 and April 1 in Tehran, Mashhad, West Khorasan, Isfahan, Behbahan, Ahwaz, Urmia, Makou, Khoramabad, Lahijan, Gorgan, Semnan, Karaj, Aleshtar (Lorestan), Gilan, Golpayegan and Kermanshah.

In Isfahan and Golpayegan two posters of Maryam Rajavi were installed with the slogans: “Remembering thousands of innocent victims of the coronavirus spread by the Supreme Leader” and “Hail to 1,500 martyrs of the November 2019 uprising who paved the way for freedom.”




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