Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeARTICLESWe shall begin with your names

We shall begin with your names

By: Mohammad Gharaei (M. Showghi)


A poem dedicated to the 30,000 heroes and heroines executed during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran. Under the rule of Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) and according to Khomeini’s fatwa many of the prisoners arrested merely for defending justice and freedom based on the PMOI/MEK identity were executed after some kangaroo courts which usually were wrapped up after only a few minutes. They accepted death but did not surrender to the ideology of hate marked by Khomeini.


 'The Events of the '80s and 88 Will Uproot the Regime,' Say Confidant of Iran's Supreme Leader

“The events of the ’80s and particularly, 88 will uproot the regime,” says the confidant of Iran’s Supreme Leader

 That bloody summer of Khavaran cemetery

 That bloody summer of Khavaran Cemetery



To those massacred in the summer of 1988


Oh!   Heroes! and heroines!
We shall begin everything with your names.    
Our songs; And the songs of our children
Marches of the people’s army 
On the anniversary of victory.

And we will make you as everlasting symbols

Word by word
In our books
In the fountains
Of our cities    
And no sign of your name, the Braves, were neglected,

The names of the wardens
The color of noose
And the shape of the footstool
From every corner 
We will gather,
And register
In every corner of his powerful memory  
We will register.

We will change our hearts, eyes and the arms to memory
To be able to remember your names
And the color of every moment of those nights
That died in the corridors of death
Every twist and shake of your body
When was hanging from those dirty ropes

We remember your names
Like the festive clothes of the patriotic heroes
In the myths of battlefields
We remember…..


 Ali Fallahian, during which he acknowledged that Khomeini issued a fatwa in the summer of 1988 calling for the annihilation of those people affiliated with (PMOI or MEK)



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